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Mathonwy Bostock

Mathonwy Bostock

Pronouns: she/her

Teaches: Cello, Upright Bass, Electric Bass, Early Music
Styles: Classical, Folk & Traditional, Popular Music
Specializes In: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Cello and Bass, Psaltery

Mathonwy Bostock - BIO

Mathonwy first discovered her passion for music singing in church choirs with her Latvian mother and Welsh father and participating in the folk music of their cultures. Her first orchestral instrument was clarinet, but she soon took interest in double bass and violoncello. She studied music history & literature at Westfield State College and music theory at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she co-founded a medieval music ensemble. Mathonwy now specializes in early music, Welsh folk music, Latvian/Livonian folk music, and Catholic-Orthodox chant. She sings in a deep contralto range and continues to play Livonian kāndla, bass, cello, and a variety of medieval and folk instruments such as recorders, psaltery, medieval harp, portative organ, viola da gamba, and vielle. Mathonwy is greatly pleased to join the teachers and students at Falcetti Music in bringing music education, appreciation, and participation back to our local communities. She also teaches double bass, classical music history, music theory, and world music several local colleges and universities, and she has served as the music director and staff musician/chanter for both Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

I enjoy teaching the history, theory, and practice of music
in addition to the technical aspects of musicianship

My Approach to Teaching

It is important to think of music as a cultural process, and to engage in it as such. This is why I enjoy teaching the history, theory, and practice of music in addition to the technical aspects of musicianship. I strive to bring music to life when I play, and I teach my students to endeavor in the same. This is how we relate to music, how it moves us, and so, too, enriches our lives and the lives of others.

What Students Say...

Customer service is extremely friendly and accommodating. Instructor is patient and amazing at what she does. I would recommend Falcetti Music - Kyle

The people at Falcetti Music are awesome. 4 of our children go here and their teachers are all amazing, the kids love them and they’re enjoying their lessons - Malin

Great music environment! Plenty of private lesson rooms and lots of different teachers to help you learn to play your instrument. Highly recommended! - Bill


Nia Stimage-Norwood education administrator

  Nia Stimage-Norwood

Education Administrator
Springfield MA

Brodie Tirone education administrator

  Brodie Tirone

Education Administrator
Simsbury CT

Josh Davila education administrator

  Yozue ( Josh ) Davila

Education Administrator